Results Day
Thursday 15th August 2024
Come in and see us to get your results from 10 am.
Check your UCAS accounts – they will automatically update with your results but check your uni place is secure. Don’t sit back and assume things will happen.
10.00 am: Year 2 students can come into the Academy to collect your transcripts
2.00 pm: Transcripts will be emailed to Year 2 students
4.00 pm: Transcripts will be emailed to Year 1 students
Useful guides to results day
Save the Student –
What is clearing?
Clearing is where universities advertise the places on courses they still have available. If
you’re thinking about a last-minute choice to go to university then look on the UCAS clearing
website to see what courses are available.
If you didn’t quite meet the conditions of your university offer, also have a look at clearing
to see what courses are available.
Not sure what to do?
Talk to us! The careers team is here for you to let rip about your hopes and dreams and how
we can make them happen. Take your time as well, and don’t feel as though you have to make a decision immediately. There are lots you can look at for information, ideas, and inspiration. Think about employment, apprenticeships, traineeships, internships, and voluntary work, and explore ideas you’ve not considered before.
Here’s a brief list but please look at all the information on this webpage.
· Icould
· Student Ladder Apprenticeships
Look after your own wellbeing
Taking your next steps after college can be a difficult and worrying time so it’s important to
look after yourself and your friends. Our best advice is to not compare yourself to anyone
else, and do what’s right for you. Everyone has their own way of doing things and their own
life to lead. Support each other, and here are a few things to read that might help:
· Maintain your mental health:
How parents and carers can support their young person
It’s an important time for your young person and they will want your support in their
decision making. Listen to their ideas and keep lines of communication open. Just talk to