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Welcome to Big Creative Academy! 

Welcome to BCA - Big Creative Education

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the students, their parents and carers, families, friends and members of the local community all central to the life of the Academy. Our Academy values the contribution every young person brings which makes the Academy a happy and inspiring place to learn and work.


Our mission statement is Develop Talent, Transform Lives, Create Careers and this underpins all that we do at the Academy. Learning is our core purpose and we champion this within a safe creative environment where everyone is helpful, considerate and respectful of each other. Our focus is on developing the next generation of creatives through outstanding teaching and learning, with personal and professional development in our wellbeing and career development classes. 

We challenge our pupils to develop resilience, reflection and positive relationships and develop their characters to ensure a positive outcome for all of our students, with a clear progression plan for when they leave us. We want our students to be encouraged to explore ideas, reason, explain and justify their thinking. This will enable them to make informed decisions and facilitate life-long learning. I believe it will also contribute towards keeping them safe.

Relationships and attitudes are very positive here and an ethos exists in which learning together becomes an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all. I feel privileged to be the Principal of an academy which is truly unique, with such inspiring young people. 

Our Academy has a positive reputation for embracing and celebrating every kind of achievement. This is reflected in our commitment to inclusion and diversity. At all times we strive for the highest standards in all areas of the curriculum for all of the students, celebrating this year with a 96% achievement rate which is above the national benchmarks across the country.

At the Academy, we welcome parents as partners so that, together, we can promote high standards of learning and behaviour. We welcome your involvement in all aspects of Academy life and invite you to our parents to attend a number of events that will be listed on the website and emailed to you. We also have a parents’ wellbeing and careers programme that you are welcome to sign up to and a support group for parents of children with SEND needs. More details will be sent to you soon via email. 

Can I please ask that you support us to ensure your young person is on time for class? The Academy prides itself on providing a professional learning environment and the expectation is that students have 100% attendance and punctuality. We have a free breakfast club for students that runs from 8.15 am and would encourage students to make use of it so they are here early for their 9.00 am class.

Thank you for choosing Big Creative Academy and I look forward to a happy and positive relationship with you over the next academic year.

I wish all our young people every success this year and look forward to meeting them all.

Sacha Corcoran MBE



Please be reassured that there is no RAAC at Big Creative Academy as we have a new building which was completed in 2020. For more details, please see our recent announcement here.

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