Welcome to Big Creative Training, we look forward to welcoming you for the new academic year. BCT is one half of Big Creative Education alongside Big Creative Academy and we are excited to offer you a range of courses for you to get started in your creative career.
At BCT we have 3 campuses that specialise in different course areas so you can be confident you can access the latest industry standard equipment and software for your chosen course, taught by an industry experienced teacher. Our Uplands House campus specialises in Music and Events and our Digital Future campus in Games Design, VFX and Media.
Creative Works is where all of our adult learning and apprenticeships take place.
At Big Creative Training we are proud of our strong vocational and Maths and English achievement rates. Other strong elements of the BCT education offer are high profile trips and industry projects including projects with major companies such as Island Records, Leland, BBC Studioworks and ITN News. We offer our students an outstanding career and work experience offering international work placements across Europe to broaden our students life experience and personal development.
At BCT we have a strong reputation for supporting learners with additional learning needs or an Education Health Care Plan and we are very proud that these students achieve as well as their peers.
Ofsted have judged that Big Creative Training is ‘Good with Outstanding features’ and say;
Learners and apprentices study in an energetic and orderly environment. They thrive in exceptionally welcoming settings, where they enjoy the freedom to be themselves.
Learners, including those with high needs, are highly motivated to succeed and pursue a career in the creative industry. Leaders provide an excellent range of opportunities for learners to learn from successful industry professionals. Learners complete high-quality projects for tasks set by employers, using up-to-date facilities. They visit production studios and film shoots and develop a sound understanding of what will be expected of them in the industry.
Big Creative Training continues to develop its adult and apprenticeships offer and we’re excited to offer apprenticeships in the worlds of music, media, events and digital marketing.
Please do take the time to look at the BCE website for more information and access to a world of creative opportunities!